Yoga Connection Registration

If you have any questions, please email: 

Mindful Movement with Karen

6 week series

Tuesdays, May 7 - June 18 (no class May 14) 2:00-3:30 pm
Tuesdays, May 7 - June 18 (no class May 14) 5:15 - 6:45 pm
Wednesdays, May 8 - June 19 (no class May 15) 10:00 - 11:30 am
Thursdays, May 9 - June 13, 10:00-11:30 am


Please make sure you look at the date and time before registering for the class that you want.
This series will be a mostly slow moving (although not all of the time), detail oriented classes with a focus on awareness.  Honing your innate ability to sense the movements of your body is one way to develop awareness.  Awareness will assist moving the many joints of your body safely and help to integrate your whole body.  Spiraling the body in a variety of ways also assists in integrating the body. Changing habitual movement patterns (becoming aware of your own compensations) will be explored using, pure movement, breathing, toning the vagus nerve  and spiraling. Yoga tools, especially a variety of balls will be used to compress and hydrate tissue and to allow bouncing in an effort to restore fascia to it's more functional elastic state.  Some traditional yoga poses will be scattered throughout the class but more as points of comparison. Besides balls, rolled towels, blocks, straps, blankets, chairs and  resistance bands. will be used. You will need to bring your own mat, blanket, towel, blocks and strap.   This is not a flow class. Questions throughout the class are welcome and encouraged.

Yoga with Monica

Evening Hatha Flow
6 week series

Wednesdays, May 8 - June 12
5:15 - 6:45 pm


This slow to medium-paced class will begin with a centring practice, and build up to a series of Hatha poses held for several breaths. Holding postures will allow us to explore each pose before moving on to the next.
Movements will build up progressively to a peak pose each week.


Hatha Hour with Monica

Thursdays, May 9 - June 13,
7:15 - 8:15 pm

Hatha Hour - this one hour class is slow to medium paced and suitable for all levels. Classes will include breath practices as well as traditional Hatha poses and will explore standing and seated postures, forward folds, back bends and twists with modifications offered.
A 10 minute Savasana will end the evening.

Yoga with Nancy

Gentle Kripalu Yoga
6 week series

Mondays, May 6 - June 10
9:30 - 11:00 am

Gentle Yoga can help relieve stress, calm the mind, strengthen the body, and increase range of motion and flexibility.
The movement is slow, each movement is linked with the breath, and we enter the postures gradually- moving in and out of each pose first. Lots of options are offered. This preparation protects and nourishes the joint, muscles and connective tissue so the postures can be explored safely and comfortably.
Each class includes a breath practice, meditation and relaxation. 


Refilling Your Well
6 week series

Mondays, May 6 - June 10
7:00 - 8:30 pm

Practice self-care by taking the time to pause and invite your body and mind back into balance.
*active and passive stretches to let go of the day
*breath work and meditation techniques to calm a busy mind
* deep relaxation to soothe the nervous system


Let Your Yoga Dance
6 week series

Tuesdays, May 7 - June 11
9:30 - 11:00 am

Let Your Yoga Dance - Its ZUMBA for the Chakras.
Bring health and joy to the heart, mind and body . Allow your inner child to laugh and play. No dance or yoga experience is needed and it is suitable for all fitness levels. Have fun in this relaxed, "be as you are" environment.


Yoga with a Chair
5 week series

Thursdays, May 16 - June 13
10:00 - 11:30 am
$65 plus a yearly membership in the
Perth Senior Community Fellowship ($30)

Yoga with a Chair s a gentle series designed for adults who want to improve their activity levels and build strength, flexibility, balance, mobility and range of motion in their joints and spine. Lots of options for everyone.
This class includes breath work, meditation and relaxation.
The student can use the chair for all or part of the practice. Level 1

McMartin House
125 Gore St. E. Perth

No Scents Makes Good Sense. Let’s Keep The Air We Share Healthy and Fragrant Free.
Please plan on giving yourself enough time to gather props and settle in before class starts.